„What is my favourite spot in our new Sauerhaus home?“
My open plan kitchen. The consultants from Sauerhaus totally convinced us with their draft at only our second meeting. The open floor plan allows cooking, dining and living to merge. Our family is in permanent contact and the children are within eyeshot, which gives us a good feeling all round. We did not have a single square meter to waste but, because of optimal use of interior space, our long-held wish to have a breakfast bar could be fulfilled. Due to the east-facing position of the kitchen and the large windows Sauerhaus is famous for, we can enjoy many hours in the morning sunshine.

„Working and living under one roof“ is highly topical given the many new home office models, expanding numbers of entrepreneurs and increasing efforts having to be made by commuters. The client’s stipulations for a combined business and living space is not only motivated by economic reasons but also by the very personal wish to be able to spend more time with the family. To put living and working space together in a very compact area, to create space where people can work undisturbed yet encounter their family, is a challenge our planners from Sauerhaus are happy to take up.